We are happy

to assit you

We are glad to answer your questions about turbines and power plant constructions and accompany your project from the very first thoughts. Please contact us, we appreciate your interest.

Please ask us for our general purchasing conditions.

Contact headquarters

Kochendörfer Wasserkraftanlagen
Turbinen-Maschinenbau e.K.

Berglerschleife 11
92714 Pleystein

​Representative Swiss & Austria

​Georg Nowotny sen.

Am Sudhaus 15
89077 Ulm

Phone: +49 (0) 731-26503740
Fax: +49 (0) 172-6343080

E-Mail: info@wka-ausruestungen.de

​Representative Chile

​Rodolfo Schöll

Cerro La Cumbre 12086,
Las Condes Santiago, Chile

Phone: +56 2 22431358
Fax: +56 9 98354587

E-Mail: scholl@manquehue.net

​Representative Nepal

​Manish Prasad Acharya
E-Mail: manishassim@gmail.com
Phone: +977-9851089623

Dibya Sagar Panta
E-Mail: panta.dsktm@gmail.com
Phone: +977-9851084967

Steady Hydro Solutions
Jwagal, Lalitpur, Nepal